Qzone is a social network created in 2005 by the Chinese company, Tencent. Download QZone for PC, Smartphone and Tablet. In addition to allowing its users to be able to have a platform for blogging, it was also used for private diaries, photo sharing, music listening and watching videos. Get Qzone App today!
Qzone is a social network created in 2005 by the Chinese company, Tencent. In addition to allowing its users to be able to have a platform for blogging, it was also used for private diaries, photo sharing, music listening and watching videos. Qzone grew rapidly and by the year 2014, it had already reached 645 million users, easily making it one of the most active communities at that time.
Users have the option of customizing their own space with a free background, making it a little more personal. Free backgrounds are available to regular users, while paid and “yellow diamond” users get to choose from many more backgrounds.
You also have the ability to provide background music on your space. Music is available at two levels, the green diamond and the regular. Green diamond level users are able to use just about any music they choose. Regular users will have to upload music from online, and the quality is much lower than that of the users on the green diamond level.
Games are another part of the Qzone experience, in which you can add games to your homepage from the application center. Once there, you can invite your friends to play along with you. Also from the application center, you can find social apps, utilities and other interesting bits.
Qzone has been called the Facebook of China, even though it was originally intended to be a blogging platform. Over the course of many years, the blogs have been linked using the QQ instant messenger.
However, Qzone is different from Facebook in some ways as well, as there is a more restricted management of friends. For instance, if you have a Qzone friend, you would not be able to look and see who their friends were. If you want to add a friend of a friend, you will have to look them up by name. It has been recommended, however, that you only add friends that you are actually interested in sharing your personal life with.
If you are interested in try Qzone for yourself, you will more than likely need a good Chinese translator that is not only familiar with the language, but with the ideograms as well. There is an Italian Qzone however.
Qzone is highly customizable, but some services must be purchased for use on mobile devices. Qzone is primarily used by those who live in suburbs, while university students prefer different types of social media connections.